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ELUNA learns - Alma 101 (On Demand Viewing Registration)

  • 4 Dec 2020
  • 1:00 PM (EST)
  • 31 Dec 2024
  • 4:00 PM (EST)
  • On Demand - Access for a year post event.
  • 1835


Registration is closed

Registration Instructions


  • Pay with credit card (visa or mastercard), or choose offline for check/wire transfer payments.
  • Do not log in if prompted.
  • Check your contact information before submitting the registration. If you have a typo in your email address, you will not receive receipts or links to the event.
Please note:
  • Attendees can register through 10:00 am eastern the day of the event to receive a link to watch the live session(s), or view the recording of the presentations via on demand at a time more convenient.
  • On demand registrations received after 10:00 am eastern on the day of the event will be processed on a weekly basis, so please note there will be slight delay in the response. Once processed, a link will be sent in order to view the recording on demand.
  • Each session contains multiple presentations and will cost $25 per attendee. The $25 registration fee is per session per attendee for the live session and/or on demand recording.  Currently, there are no volume or bulk discounts for ELUNA Learns.  The registration and on-demand link are registered to each individual participant's email address.  ELUNA is committed to keeping the cost for our educational events affordable, especially in these budget-challenged times.  In order to provide quality member-based programming, we ask that individuals register for each of the events that are relevant to their work. Sharing login information for group-viewing sessions undermines the ELUNA's ability to provide this programming. If you value this program and the community that provides this content, either via the face to face meeting or online, please register for each session you will attend with your email account.

Alma 101

  • 1:00 pm - 1:05 pm. Welcome 
  • 1:05 pm - 1:45 pm. Strategies for New and Seasoned Alma Administrators 
  • 1:45 pm - 2:25 pm. Repository Import Profiles for Resource Management Workflows 
  • 2:25 pm - 2:40 pm. Break 
  • 2:40 pm - 3:20 pm. Mapping and Managing the User Data Lifecycle in Alma 
  • 3:20 pm - 4:00 pm. Fall in Love with Alma Analytics 

Note, schedule times are approximate. Schedule may shift slightly during the event

Strategies for New and Seasoned Alma Administrators. Tonia Graves, Old Dominion University. 

Three years after Old Dominion University Libraries migrated to ProQuest Ex Libris products, I was appointed the Resource Discovery Librarian largely responsible for the configuration and maintenance of Alma. I created a strategic plan to guide me through my first year in this new role. In this breakout, I will share the highlights of my strategic plan including conducting a needs assessment, creating a SWOT analysis, and techniques for documentation. 

Repository Import Profiles for Resource Management Workflows. Marcus Jun, Washington Research Library Consortium. 

The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of Alma import profiles for physical and electronic resources. The presenter will walk through the various import functions and describe the practical implications of each. Import profiles encompass various Alma concepts and understanding them will make resource management more efficient and streamlined. Import profiles can be scheduled to automatically load Marc bibliographic records on a regular basis. Indication rules exclude records based on Marc fields and normalization rules make batch changes to bibliographic records as they are imported. When dealing with incoming and existing records, match methods specify how records match and merge rules determine how they overlay. As records are loaded physical (Marc holdings and item records) and electronic inventory (portfolios) may be created. Import profiles can also delete bib records and portfolios. 

Mapping and Managing the User Data Lifecycle in Alma. Hong Ma, Loyola University; Chris Martin, Loyola University, Margaret Heller. 

User data is an integral component of library services, and it usually involves multiple systems, authentication methods, and user types. Alma administrators should not only understand the data lifecycle for user information, but also have well-defined procedures for managing user data. While Alma provides a single user data model for all user types, the reality of managing and tracking these users can stretch this model in challenging ways. In this presentation, we will begin with an overview of Alma user management. We will then share our journey of establishing workflows to handle different user types such as external users, internal users, and individual staff users accounts. Our overview will include SIS load profiles, user purging, systematic management of roles and privileges for staff accounts, actions for user privacy, and other parts of the user data lifecycle.   

Fall in Love with Alma Analytics. Tim Siegel, Virginia Commonwealth University. 

Have you ever wanted to use Alma Analytics to learn some new and interesting fact about your Library collections? Have you ever found yourself looking for a certain bit of information you know should be there, but your search keeps coming up blank? If you answered “Yes” to any and/or all of these questions, then this session is for you. This session will cover a range of analytics processes from simple to complex, and provide a number of tips and tricks on how to optimize your analyses. Come loaded with questions, as that's what analytics aims to accomplish: provide the right answers.