Registration Instructions
- Pay with credit card (visa or mastercard), or choose offline for check/wire transfer payments.
- Do not log in if prompted.
- Check your contact information before submitting the registration. If you have a typo in your email address, you will not receive receipts or links to the event.
Please note:
- Attendees can register through 10:00 am eastern the day of the event to receive a link to watch the live session(s), or view the recording of the presentations via on demand at a time more convenient.
- On demand registrations received after 10:00 am eastern on the day of the event will be processed on a weekly basis, so please note there will be slight delay in the response. Once processed, a link will be sent in order to view the recording on demand.
- Each session contains multiple presentations and will cost $25 per attendee. The $25 registration fee is per session per attendee for the live session and/or on demand recording. Currently, there are no volume or bulk discounts for ELUNA Learns. The registration and on-demand link are registered to each individual participant's email address. ELUNA is committed to keeping the cost for our educational events affordable, especially in these budget-challenged times. In order to provide quality member-based programming, we ask that individuals register for each of the events that are relevant to their work. Sharing login information for group-viewing sessions undermines the ELUNA's ability to provide this programming. If you value this program and the community that provides this content, either via the face to face meeting or online, please register for each session you will attend with your email account.
Alma Migration
- 1:00 pm - 1:05 pm. Welcome
- 1:05 pm - 1:45 pm. P2E: Painful to Easy
- 1:45 pm - 2:25 pm. How to Train for an Alma/Primo Migration
- 2:25 pm - 2:40 pm. 15 min break
- 2:40 pm - 3:20 pm. Migrations in Motion: Why Library-Vendor Collaboration is Essential
- 3:20 pm - 4:00 pm. The "Good Enough" Migration: Balancing Time, Effort, and Outcomes
Note, schedule times are approximate. Schedule may shift slightly during the event.
P2E: Painful to Easy. Kristen Fredericksen, The Catholic University of America.
P2E (Physical to Electronic) is the name for the migration process that converts electronic resource records from the ILS into electronic inventory in Alma. The process requires pre-migration planning and post-migration cleanup. This presentation will demystify the process and recommend different approaches for your institution's needs. Learn how P2E relates to acquisitions data, ERM holdings, and the Alma Community Zone.
How to Train for an Alma/Primo Migration. Kailey Brisbin, University of Guelph.
In December 2019, the University of Guelph Library migrated to Alma/Primo as part of the Omni collaboration between 14 Ontario Universities. This how-to session focuses on the staff training portion of the migration. It will outline Guelph's training approach, including creating a training plan, developing a local training working group, and conducting training sessions. It will also discuss successes, challenge, and the importance of communication and collaboration.
Migrations in Motion: Why Library-Vendor Collaboration is Essential. Moriah Guy, Gobi Library Solutions from EBSCO. (Gold Sponsor)
The session will include a high level overview of the GOBI and SSD migration processes for migrating Alma customers, GOBI and SSD updates for current customers, and a high level overview of the workflows and services available for GOBI customers.
The "Good Enough" Migration: Balancing Time, Effort, and Outcomes. Sarah Theimer, University of New Hampshire.
Migrating two leanly staffed libraries into Alma/Primo presented challenges for the University of New Hampshire Library and The University of New Hampshire School of Law. Before migration we identified which decisions needed to be agreed on and where we could intentionally choose to differ. We identified where our overlap allowed a streamlined effort and where we could learn from each other. Staff at times struggled to balance major migration work on top of daily job responsibilities, challenging peace of mind and morale. We prioritized those areas where clean data was essential and intentionally let some problems migrate. Post migration clean-up and integration of library data continued past the initial migration date. After migrating we learned to take advantage of nearby Alma sites, and to reasonably assess the help and limitations of other institutions’ Alma documentation. We still are looking at working together, while not wasting people’s time.