Registration Instructions
- Pay with credit card (visa or mastercard), or choose offline for check/wire transfer payments.
- Do not log in if prompted.
- Check your contact information before submitting the registration. If you have a typo in your email address, you will not receive receipts or links to the event.
Please note:
- Attendees can register through 10:00 am eastern the day of the event to receive a link to watch the live session(s), or view the recording of the presentations via on demand at a time more convenient.
- On demand registrations received after 10:00 am eastern on the day of the event will be processed on a weekly basis, so please note there will be slight delay in the response. Once processed, a link will be sent in order to view the recording on demand.
- Each session contains multiple presentations and will cost $25 per attendee. The $25 registration fee is per session per attendee for the live session and/or on demand recording. Currently, there are no volume or bulk discounts for ELUNA Learns. The registration and on-demand link are registered to each individual participant's email address. ELUNA is committed to keeping the cost for our educational events affordable, especially in these budget-challenged times. In order to provide quality member-based programming, we ask that individuals register for each of the events that are relevant to their work. Sharing login information for group-viewing sessions undermines the ELUNA's ability to provide this programming. If you value this program and the community that provides this content, either via the face to face meeting or online, please register for each session you will attend with your email account.
Developing Alma Workflow Enhancements
- 1:00 pm - 1:05 pm. Welcome
- 1:05 pm - 1:30 pm. Selenium: Where there is No API
- 1:30 pm - 1:55 pm. Introduction to Developing Cloud Apps
- 1:55 pm - 2:20 pm. Transforming SIS Patron Data Extracts into Alma Compliant XML using Python
- 2:20 pm - 2:35 pm. Break.
- 2:35 pm - 3:00 pm. Connecting Drupal and Alma
- 3:00 pm - 3:25 pm. Alma Letter Customization.
- 3:25 pm - 3:50 pm. Using APIs to Increase Efficiency in a Remote Storage Facility.
Selenium: Where there is No API. Henry Steele, Tufts University.
There are some tables in Alma and other applications where you need to retrieve or post data on a website that isn’t easily accessed except through the web interface. I.e. there’s no API and the form isn’t nicely presented in a table you can pull with web scraping tools.
This session will talk about how to use the Python implementation of Selenium for this purpose, and several different applications where this could be useful.
Introduction to Developing Cloud Apps. Josh Weisman, Ex Libris.
Meet Cloud Apps, the new way to extend the functionality of Alma and other products by writing apps which run on Ex Libris platform. In this session we’ll provide a brief overview of the technology and point you in the right direction to get started with your own great idea.
Transforming SIS Patron Data Extracts into Alma Compliant XML using Python. Bill Jones, SUNY Geneseo.
Sometimes, patron data extracts from Student Information Systems won't directly work with the Alma patron data load process and they need a little help. This presentation will go over the Alma patron XML data structure and how I developed Python scripts to create Alma compliant XML with patron data extracts delivered in .plif, .xml, and .csv file types. During this presentation, I will also share the scripts that I developed and demonstrate how to run them in order to produce .zip files for upload to Alma.
Connecting Drupal and Alma. Ian Chan, California State University San Marcos.
The Library at California State University San Marcos has implemented several online services that utilize the Alma API. These include real-time fee payments, a personalized dashboard, and a circulation app for providing access to distributed collections. This session will focus on the development of a Drupal 8 module that integrates the Alma API. This module provides our users with their library account information, a customized list of course reading lists, recommendations, and a Cashnet payment form within a Drupal website. Presenters will provide highlights of the development process, the front end interface, and possible new features.
Alma Letter Customization. Tao You, Vanderbilt University.
This workshop will focus on customizing the notifications sent to patrons via the ALMA Letters system. In this workshop, we'll start with an overview of the system, leading into a "hands on" demonstration of the various aspects and features of the tool. We'll provide real-life examples of customizations, ranging from simple (adding/removing fields) to complex (conditional cancellation and logic formulation), and give attendees the chance to suggest modifications/workflows that will be addressed in the group setting. This workshop is geared towards those who have recently migrated to ALMA, or for anyone ready to go in-depth with ALMA Letters. Attendees will leave the workshop with a suite of tailored and well-structured letters that can be used or adapted for their individual library, and the confidence to explore the possibilities provided by this tool.
Using APIs to Increase Efficiency in a Remote Storage Facility. Aaron Krebek, Washington Research Library Consortium; Tammy Henning, Washington Research Library Consortium; Joel Shields, Washington Research Library Consortium.
Staff at the Washington Research Library Consortium have developed applications to facilitate working with the records for materials in each library's Alma Institution Zone. These applications can be especially beneficial for library staff and student assistants who do not need full resource management privileges to perform a discrete task. Recently completed apps have improved Alma workflows for the consortium's shared collections facility (SCF), leading to significant improvement in efficiency and cost control.
Almagic is a suite of web utilities developed by Aaron Krebeck and built on the open source Grima library created by Katherine Lybarger at the University of Kentucky. Once logged in, Almagic allows you to create or edit a large number of fields in the bibliographic, holding, and item records without using the Ex Libris interface and user roles. WRLC staff are using Almagic to check the location of materials in the SCF, accession new materials into the SCF collection, add item notes and other free text fields, and a variety of other tasks.