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ELUNA learns - Primo VE (On Demand Viewing Registration)

  • 30 Sep 2020
  • 1:00 PM
  • 31 Dec 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • On Demand - Access for a year post event.
  • 1768


Registration is closed

Registration Instructions


  • Pay with credit card (visa or mastercard), or choose offline for check/wire transfer payments.
  • Do not log in if prompted.
  • Check your contact information before submitting the registration. If you have a typo in your email address, you will not receive receipts or links to the event.
Please note:
  • Attendees can register through 10:00 am eastern the day of the event to receive a link to watch the live session(s), or view the recording of the presentations via on demand at a time more convenient.
  • On demand registrations received after 10:00 am eastern on the day of the event will be processed on a weekly basis, so please note there will be slight delay in the response. Once processed, a link will be sent in order to view the recording on demand.
  • Each session contains multiple presentations and will cost $25 per attendee. The $25 registration fee is per session per attendee for the live session and/or on demand recording.  Currently, there are no volume or bulk discounts for ELUNA Learns.  The registration and on-demand link are registered to each individual participant's email address.  ELUNA is committed to keeping the cost for our educational events affordable, especially in these budget-challenged times.  In order to provide quality member-based programming, we ask that individuals register for each of the events that are relevant to their work. Sharing login information for group-viewing sessions undermines the ELUNA's ability to provide this programming. If you value this program and the community that provides this content, either via the face to face meeting or online, please register for each session you will attend with your email account.

      Primo VE

      • 1:00 pm - 1:05 pm. Welcome 
      • 1:05 pm - 1:45 pm. Customizing Primo VE MARC21 Normalization Rules for Local Display
      • 1:45 pm - 2:25 pm. Springshare Integration with Ex Libris Tools
      • 2:25 pm - 2:40 pm. 15 min break 
      • 2:40 pm - 3:20 pm. Through the Looking Glass: Maintaining a User-Centered Approach to Discovery
      • 3:20 pm - 4:00 pm. Usability Testing & Primo VE Customization for Beginners

      Customizing Primo VE MARC21 Normalization Rules for Local Display. Colin Bitter, The College of New Jersey; Yuji Tosaka, The College of New Jersey. 

      One of the most important tasks in configuring MARC field display in Primo VE involves customizing the normalization rules behind each display and local field. While Primo VE normalization rules can offer libraries a great deal of flexibility in modifying local displays, they can be challenging to learn, especially since they do not use the same syntax as the Alma normalization rules available in the metadata editor. This presentation will provide an introduction to altering Primo VE normalization rules for the out-of-the-box display fields and instruction on adding local fields for MARC content not defined in the default Primo VE record display. Additionally, the presentation will include more complex instructions on how to rectify Primo VE’s haphazard display of various MARC fields and subfields. Lastly, the presenters will demonstrate how to use Alma bibliographic normalize-on-save functions in tandem with local display fields. 

      Springshare Integration with Ex Libris Tools. Talia Richards, Springshare (Gold Sponsor) 

      Learn how you can integrate your Springshare Tools and content (LibGuidesLibCalLibAnswers, and more!) into your Ex Libris tools and vice versa. See how other libraries are integrating their Springshare content and beyond! 

      Through the Looking Glass: Maintaining a User-Centered Approach to Discovery. Jess Waggoner, University of California, Santa Cruz; Christy Caldwell, University of California, Santa Cruz. 

      In this presentation we will discuss our small team approach to continuous user experience research, iterative design, and interface customization of our Primo VE discovery layer. We will present a case study, describing our work in addressing student confusion around locating physical items in the library. We will explain methods for prioritizing and selecting a user experience issue, developing research questions, determining an appropriate methodology for data gathering, designing usability assessments, and using student assistants to administer the tests and collect data. We will also discuss our implementation process, which incorporates communication and coordination among library units. 

      Usability Testing & Primo VE Customization for Beginners. Kaci Resau, Washington and Lee University. 

      For those without user experience or a systems background, conducting usability testing and customizing Primo VE can feel overwhelming. This presentation, aimed at participants with beginner/intermediate level experience, will focus on the work conducted at Washington & Lee University to build a culture of usability within the library, and the ups and downs of the UX process. Additionally, this session will look at specific customizations that can be made to Primo VE pre-and post-usability study including changes to the language, customizing the brief and full record, adding a problem report form, and expanding location details. This session will also look at the procedures at W&L for implementing changes to discovery and the roadblocks faced both internally and externally throughout that process.